Child Contact Centres
National Association of Child Contact Centres
The association promotes safe child contact within a national network of child contact centres.
Tel.: 0115 948 4557
Web: www.naccc.org.uk
Child Maintenance Service
Child Maintenance Service (CMS)
Tel.: 0345 266 8792
Web: https://childmaintenanceservice.direct.gov.uk
Court Services
The Court Service website
(information, forms and leaflets relating to divorce)
(Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service)
Tel.: 0300 456 4000
National Debt Advice
Tel.: 0808 223 4188
The Money Advice Service
offers free and impartial money advice.
Web: www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk
Divorce aid/Emotional support
Divorce Aid
Advice for children and families going through divorce
Web: www.divorceaid.co.uk
offers relationship counselling and emotional support to separating and divorcing couples.
Tel.: 0300 0030396
Web: www.relate.org.uk
provide confidential emotional support to anyone in need.
Tel.: 116 123
Web: www.samaritans.org
Domestic violence support
National Domestic Violence Helpline
is run in partnership between Women's Aid and Refuge. Provides a free 24 hr telephone helpline for women experiencing physical, emotional or sexual violence in the home.
Tel.: 0808 2000 247
Web: www.nationaldomesticviolencehelpline.org.uk
for women and children. Domestic abuse and suicide support.
Email: helpline@refuge.org.uk
Web: www.refuge.org.uk
offers information and advice for people who are homeless or have a housing problem.
Emergency helpline: 0808 1644 660
Helpline: 0808 800 4444
Web: www.shelter.org.uk
Stockport Without Abuse
is a local charity who offer a range of services to help and support women, men and children who are affected by domestic abuse.
Tel.: 0161 477 4271
Web: www.stockportwithoutabuse.org.uk
Wales Domestic Abuse Helpline
Tel.: 0808 80 10 800
Web: https://livefearfree.gov.wales/
Complaint form
Court Form A
Court Form C100
Divorce petition
Financial disclosure booklet
Financial disclosure guidance document
Legal Aid Checklist
Mediation evaluation form
Mediation self-referral form
Mediation Voucher Consent Form
Mediation Voucher Participant Questionnaire
Satisfaction Questionnaire
Legal Aid
Helpline: 0300 200 2020
Web: https://www.gov.uk/legal-aid
Online calculator: https://www.gov.uk/check-legal-aid
Initial Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM)
Legal Aid For Mediation
Online Mediation
The Parenting Plan (CAFCASS)
Understanding Family Mediation
Legal Advice
Citizens Advice Bureau
offers free, confidential and impartial advice on all matters.
Web: www.citizensadvice.org.uk
Family Rights Group
provides a specialist advice for families, who are in contact with social services about the care of their children.
Tel.: 0808 801 0366
Web: www.frg.org.uk
Legal Aid
Search for a legal adviser with a legal aid contract in England and Wales.
Policies & other documents
Code of Practice for Family Mediators (FMC)
Complaint Policy
Privacy Policy
Refund and Cancellation Policy
Support for Children
Action for children
Charity that works with children and offers support with various issues.
Tel.: 01923 361 500
Web: www.actionforchildren.org.uk
Free confidential helpline for children, open 24 hrs.
Tel.: 0800 1111
Web: www.childline.org.uk
Youth Access
offers advice, information and counselling services for young people.
Tel.: 020 8772 9900
Web: www.youthaccess.org.uk
Support for Parents
Families Need Fathers
Information and support for divorced and separated parents on shared parenting issues arising from family breakdown.
Tel.: 0300 0300 363
Web: www.fnf.org.uk
Professional freephone advice for lone parent families.
Tel.: 0808 802 0925
Web: www.gingerbread.org.uk